Itinerary Dictionary

Rio de Janeiro.  Madrid.  London.  Curitiba.  Bethlehem.  Madrid.  New York.  New Haven

Al·ex·an·dra  Al·ha·deff  [al-ig-zan-druh al-ha-def]
-noun, verb, adjective


  1)      Change:

As a third-culture kid, my life has very much been defined and/or undefined by the places where I have lived.   I have appended undefined to the description because I have yet to discover exactly how my identity has been shaped by my nomadic experiences.  If anything, I feel like I belong everywhere and nowhere at the same time, and that in no way is a satisfactory definition of anyone.    

2)      Persevering:

Destiny has given me the gift of an ever changing, dynamic life, and I have no intention of halting her invincible machinations.  I am not entirely versed on the rules of nature and order, but the end is predetermined, that much is true.  However, it is possible to play with fate.  I for one, am hoping to stall her by chasing as many dreams as I possibly can.  Even if the end will always be the same, why not experience every path that leads to it?  

3)      Expectant:

I know that some drastic change is yet to come.  I can only wonder when it will  happen and where I will be.



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